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It is reported that: new energy vehicles listed in the fastest car

It is reported that: new energy vehicles listed in the fastest car

Release date:2016-08-10 00:00 Source: Click:

Recently, a reporter from the Guangzhou Wanli tire Limited by Share Ltd was informed that the new energy automobile tyre developed by the company will be listed on the year, tire use of new materials and special design compared to ordinary tires, will effectively reduce the rolling resistance, about 10% and the tire production after the listing, the price is expected to flush with ordinary tire.

Guangzhou Wanli tire market planning department director Liu Zixin introduction, Wanli tires for the new energy vehicles dedicated to research and development of new energy automobile tyre "PIONEER pioneer", using the raw materials of ecological environmental protection, such as orange oil, rapeseed oil "and" gutta ", from the source to energy saving and environmental protection. At the same time, compared to the general rubber materials, the new material can effectively reduce the rolling resistance of about 10%, the pattern of the design of bamboo, effectively solve the narrow end of the design brought about by reducing the grip of the problem. In addition, this kind of tyre also used the same and the lack of gas explosion proof tyre warranty, if the tire burst, the vehicle can be 80 kilometers per hour maximum speed to travel.

It is reported that the car tyre is also effective energy million million independent research and development, with independent intellectual property rights. At present, Wanli tire is cooperating with some new energy vehicles, actively preparing for mass production, the end of this year early next year, there will be a lot of host plant equipped with energy saving tire 000 also effective. After mass production, the price is expected to be flat with ordinary tires. With the continuous growth of the new energy automotive market, car tires as a supporting product, but also need to be innovative in order to promote the development of new energy vehicles.

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